Meltek is committed to the pursuit of excellence, and we believe Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are critical to that pursuit for our employees, customers, and all stakeholders.  


Diversity  includes characteristics of race and ethnicity, gender and orientation, religion and beliefs, age, veteran status, and socioeconomic status. It also includes differences in language, background, ideas, viewpoint, and values.  Embracing differences improves our understanding of our clientele and optimize customer service.


Equity requires providing justice, fairness and access to opportunities and resources for all members of Meltek’s community. A climate where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic, nurtures a success-oriented, cooperative business that attracts and retains people and partners who feel comfortable and contribute to the good of all.

How does Demand Response help the environment?


Inclusion for Meltek means to respect everyone, value their differences, acknowledge the impact of differences and to capitalize on those differences, producing innovative solutions from their synergy. Our aim is to foster a culture where every member of feels valued, supported, and inspired to achieve individual and common goals.

Meltek is commited to doing good.

Building trust between our community, leadership, and personnel, and recruiting diverse applicants improves our ability to provide quality services which benefit us and our community and enhances our feeling of belonging within our community. This DEI statement is a public commitment to foster a diverse community and a culture of inclusivity.